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CMMC Level 2 Certification Case Study: Navigating Complexity for a Logistics and Consulting Company 

In the evolving landscape of cybersecurity requirements for defense contractors, achieving compliance with the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) has become a critical priority.

This case study showcases how Infinity Technologies guided one of our clients through the intricate process of preparing for CMMC Level 2 certification, demonstrating the power of strategic IT enclaving and tailored solutions.

The Client

Our client is a dynamic logistics and consulting firm with 54 employees, operating in a hybrid IT environment. As a key player in the defense supply chain, they handle Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and faced the challenge of meeting the more rigorous CMMC Level 2 requirements to maintain their competitive edge and contractual eligibility.

The Challenge: Navigating CMMC Level 2 Complexity

The preparation for Level 2 certification presented significant challenges:

1. Attempted Self Implementation: Previously for NIST 800-171 r2 compliance our client had made the decision to rely extensively on internal staff resources. But with the increased complexity of CMMC L2, and the limited timeframe, they decided it would be a more effective strategy and a better use of resources to partner directly with a CMMC IT implementer like Infinity Technologies.


2. Hybrid Environment Complexities: The client’s hybrid IT setup added layers of complexity to achieving and maintaining compliance.


3. Scalability Needs: The client’s workforce size fluctuates rapidly and sometimes drastically, demanding a flexible and scalable compliance solution.

Our Approach

Recognizing the unique challenges faced by our client, we developed a strategic approach centered around IT enclaving—a method that limits exposure of CUI across the IT environment. Our process unfolded in several key stages:

We began with a thorough consultation to determine the appropriate CMMC level and specific needs of the business. This involved a detailed analysis of their current IT infrastructure, CUI data flow, and contractual obligations.

Working closely with the client, we then created an organizational chart outlining role-based access to their IT systems. This crucial step allowed us to:

· Identify 35 employees (expanded from an initial 19) who required access to CUI

· Map out 20 key assets and identified 3 Security Protection Assets (SPAs) and Security Protection Assets (SPDs)

· Design an enclaving strategy to limit CUI exposure across the IT environment

To achieve effective enclaving, we leveraged a FedRAMP-authorized cloud platform. This ensured a compliant, scalable, and secure environment for storing CUI, as well as simplified management of access controls and security measures.

With the enclaving strategy in place, we then conducted a rapid baseline assessment to identify gaps in current security measures and a detailed questionnaire to evaluate policies and procedures. Next, we assisted with the development of necessary documentation to support and enforce the enclaving strategy, before assisting our client in:

· Implementing robust policies and procedures aligned with CMMC Level 2 requirements

· Providing thorough training resources for staff to ensure understanding and adherence to new security protocols

· Establishing processes for regular security reviews and updates

Outcomes and Benefits

Our tailored approach to CMMC Level 2 compliance preparations yielded significant benefits for the client. By implementing strategic enclaving, they avoided the need for expensive enterprise-wide security solutions like a SIEM or SOC, resulting in substantial cost savings.

The enclaving solution also provided a flexible framework that could easily adapt to the client’s rapidly changing workforce size, ensuring consistent compliance during periods of growth or contraction. This significantly reduced the organization’s overall cyber risk profile by limiting CUI exposure across the organization.

Through focusing on enclaving, we were able to simplify the compliance process, making it faster and more manageable than a wholesale transformation of the entire IT environment. Our client gained confidence in their ability to meet and maintain CMMC Level 2 compliance, securing their position in the defense supply chain. And the scalable solution positioned them to easily adapt to potential changes in CMMC requirements or their own contractual needs, effectively future-proofing their compliance efforts.


Achieving CMMC Level 2 certification presents significant challenges, particularly for organizations with complex IT environments. However, with a strategic approach centered on careful enclaving and leveraging of appropriate cloud solutions, it’s possible to achieve compliance both efficiently and cost-effectively.

If your business is facing the demands of CMMC Level 2 certification, remember that with the right partner and strategy, you can navigate this process successfully. Contact Infinity Technologies today to explore how we can guide your journey to CMMC compliance and beyond.